Get Braces As Low As $129 / mo.

Looking for an AFFORDABLE braces option to straighten your teeth? You have come to the right place! With our low cost braces and clear braces options, you really can afford to fix your crooked smile. Relax. You are in great hands with the outstanding team at mBrace orthodontics!

Braces & Orthodontics

Braces and other modalities of orthodontics may be recommended by an orthodontist for the purpose of improving the orofacial appearance of a patient, enhancing growth and development of the jaws and enabling an aesthetic outcome. Problems such as crowded or crooked teeth, underbites or overbites, and incorrect jaw positions can be corrected with proper orthodontic treatment. Such problems, when left untreated, can result in gum disease, tooth decay, earaches and headaches, chewing or biting problems, and even difficulty speaking.

When is the right time for Orthodontics?

Patients experiencing orthodontic problems can benefit from orthodontic treatment at practically any age. The best time for orthodontic treatment is determined after a complete examination, and can start in early adolescence as the mouth and jaw bones are still growing at this time. Consequently, the teeth can be easily accessed for straightening. 

Even so, it should be understood that braces are not only for children and teenagers. An increasing number of adults are also now choosing orthodontic treatment to correct bite issues and improve the look of their smiles. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, all children should receive an orthodontic screening by age seven. Permanent teeth typically begin to come in by this age and it is at this age that most orthodontic problems will become apparent. Since growth and development are rapid, it is a good time for children to be evaluated. 

At this time, the orthodontist can determine if treatment is needed, and if so, what treatment is most appropriate and when it should begin.

Type of Braces

Ready to pick the colors of the rainbow for your braces? Metal braces have been used for over 100 years to straighten teeth, but are now smaller, less noticeable, and more comfortable. They are a great option for children and adults, and allow treatment to occur while adding your personal color choices. Metal braces are a fun and easy way to get a beautiful smile.

Metal Braces
Wildsmiles Braces
Clear Braces

Life With Braces

Eating With Braces

There will be a small learning curve to eating with braces. Most people learn quick and it becomes second nature. Avoid sticky, gooey, crunchy items like toffees, ice, or jolly ranchers. It is always advisable to start with soft foods to go through an adjustment phase and then progressively incorporate regular foods on a daily basis. 

Being careful with your new braces allows treatment to progress efficiently.

Types of Orthodontic Appliances

No longer are patients restricted to metal braces. In the last few years, a variety of different orthodontic treatment devices have been introduced. There are typically three types of braces.

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We a complete IT firm, offering the best of app development, web development, marketing, branding & backend to frontend. Our team has extensive years of experience in delivering the best to our clients in different technology domains.

We a complete IT firm, offering the best of app development, web development, marketing, branding & backend to frontend. Our team has extensive years of experience in delivering the best to our clients in different technology domains.

“Overall, braces and orthodontics devices today tend to be much less visible and uncomfortable than they once were. Any type of orthodontic treatment will still require a period of adjustment. Foods can become caught in wires and around brackets. Flossing and brushing can be more time-consuming. Patients may also experience slight soreness following an adjustment. Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, can help to alleviate minor tooth discomfort. The introduction of more flexible, lighter wires has significantly reduced the amount of discomfort experienced during treatment.”

Early Intervention

When orthodontic treatment is begun in young children, it is usually referred to as interceptive orthodontics. This form of treatment may begin as early as age 6 or 7. The course of treatment prescribed for a patient will depend on individual needs and circumstances. For instance, in some cases, the patient’s dental arch may be too small for all of the teeth to properly fit. In the past, the solution for overcrowding problems was usually to extract some of the patient’s permanent teeth to allow space. The patient could then be fitted with fixed braces to ensure teeth were positioned properly. Since the patient’s jaw is still growing, early intervention can help to avoid the need to extract teeth.
A device known as a palatal expander can be used for expanding the patient’s upper dental arch. After the dental arch is the proper size, there is an improved chance that the child’s adult teeth will emerge in the proper position. In some cases, the patient’s teeth may still be somewhat crowded even after they have all come in or erupted. When that is the case, it may still be necessary to extract some permanent teeth to allow room for the teeth to be aligned properly and the bite corrected. Early intervention may also be beneficial when the jaws and dental arches are not in the proper position. These problems can be improved or even corrected with the use of functional appliances. Additional treatment is typically required at a later date; however, the treatment may be less intensive and shorter in duration. When further treatment is required, it is referred to as two-phase treatment. Protruding front teeth as well as crossbites often require early intervention. If left untreated, a crossbite can result in the jaws growing unevenly. A child with protruding front teeth could be at risk for the teeth being fractured in the event of a fall.

How Long Is Orthodontic Treatment Necessary?

The length of time a patient will need to wear braces will depend on his or her specific treatment plan. In general, the more complicated the patient’s bite or alignment concerns, the longer treatment will take. Also as the patient grows older, the length of treatment may increase as growth slows down. Patients can typically expect to be in orthodontic treatment for at least 12 months, possibly up to 24 months, followed by diligent retainer wear. At mBrace Orthodontics, we are here to help you design a beautiful, confident smile.
Whether you are an adult looking for an alternative to traditional braces or your child or teen has orthodontic issues that need to be corrected, we are happy to help. Please contact our office at 469-362-6820 to schedule a complimentary consultation.